Thursday 8 November 2012

It's Been A While, But I Haven't Been "Tardy"

Hello again! Yes, it seems to have been a while. But here I am again. I have been on Skype this morning talking to 'Number 1 Son' and his 'Gal' all the way over yonder in Florence, Italy. I just love Skype and how it takes the distance away for a while. Other than the time spent telling me they are having a fab time and I spent time reminiscing over the sights of Florence, we got talking 'blogging'. They keep a travel blog and it reminded me about my own wee blog. So, a little window into what I have been up to........

I finished the second lot of cushions, and am planning on the third lot which will be Christmas gifts. I plan to do ones the size of Euro pillows so they will be suitable for throwing on the floor and arranging yourself around or on them. These ones in the photo are made of a lovely unused vintage linen front and needlecord back. Baby Girl is coming home to help me get them on either my Felt or Etsy shop (unused as yet). I worked at my local Opshop the other day and was able to purchase some lovely unused wool grape-coloured fabric. Just oh so suitable for backing on another lot of cushions. There is plenty of fabric and ideas in the "to be cushions " pile.

The 6 photos above show different parts of the walk I get to enjoy everyday that I walk. At the moment it is Spring here Downunder and Daylight Saving is in full swing. Therefore I am awake early so I give 'Hubby' a dig in the ribs and off we go, everyday of late (except, I admit, today). Note that the last 2 photos show an overcast day. One is the view from the top of Mount Maunganui. I can never get over how the sea and sky have moods that can change from one day to the next. No matter what mood, always beautiful. I feel blessed to have this corner of the world, walking distance 'down the road' from home. Walking this area keeps me 'centred', fit and the blood running with plenty of oxygen. So important for our general wellbeing.
 This is as far as I have got on my 'both sides cabled' baby blanket. It is great to do. You only cable every 5th row, so I can lull myself into k2 p2 automatic pilot for the 4 rows in between. Note I mentioned cable on the 5th row. That is how you get cables on both sides so no wrong side. A 'knitty friend' of mine did the same pattern in beautiful cotton and beautiful stripes for her first Grandy. They live in a hot place so no need for warm wool. I am on the home straight now and probably only a couple of balls to go.
Finally, this is what I have spent the last couple of nights knitting. Easy peasy to knit 'wash cloths'. The ones half finished and finished are out of lovely Organic cotton. The next lot to do are out of Soya cotton. Such choices we have these days. I am knitting these for a Christmas Stall for the Gals Service Club that I belong to. I have a list of things I said I would do ranging from Plum Sauce, Ready-mixed Ham Glaze in Jars (alcohol-infused), Wash Cloths, Baby Muslin Wraps and Cloths, Baking, Breads etc etc. So, no 'tardy' is not a word for me at the moment.
On that note I must away, and get cracking doing something. Until next time.......toodle!

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